Friday, July 11, 2008

This is a great night...

My brother called, he's a dad for the first time. The baby came three weeks early and his wife only had labor for two hours. Dang, two hours?? I was in labor for 12 hours. 12 long, long, hours.

Anyhow, he's over 50 and he's been wanting a child for as long as I can remember. He finally met a Russian woman on-line through a dating service. He traveled back and forth to Russia for three years visiting with her and her young son.

He asked her to marry him and it took another year for the government to allow her to come here with a visa. It was a rocky first year for them. The language barrier was awful, she didn't understand many of our customs and it was the same for him. He almost sent her back. The young son had a difficult time in school, kids made fun of him because he dressed differently and spoke Russian, so he acted out, at school and home.

But, my brother was determined to stick it out and try and make it work. She finally started to learn English and they both gave it their all in accepting each others customs. The boy, now loves school, has done really well learning English and has made many friends. What an improvement in a years time!

She became pregnant and just a few hours ago gave birth to a little girl which they named after my mother. He called me and he sounds so happy!... Aww, I going to cry..

The bad thing, is that my mom flew to CT this morning to attend her best friends funeral. I got a call from her when her plane landed, but her phone cut off after she said she arrived. It's been off ever since. I bet she forgot her charger and if that's the case, she won't find out about her new grandchild until Sunday night. How sad, she has been so excited about the birth of this baby.


Patty said...

Congratulationa Auntie Laurie. Shame you don't have a number where your Mother is staying so you could call her and give her the good news. Have a great week-end and don't buy too many little girl outfits.

LauriesAsylum said...

Thanks Patty, My mom finally called me this afternoon and I told her the good news!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! A new member of your family! Congrats to your brother!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Laurie!

That's good that your mom got the news early before Sunday!

LauriesAsylum said...

Nikkie--It is so exciting, and it's a girl, there hasn't been a female for awhile, lol.

LauriesAsylum said...

rossickky--I know, I'm so glad, thanks!

Anonymous said...

It was me and how do you know that rossickky is me(roserose)?

Reader Wil said...

Oh I am so glad for your brother and that everything is going well. Two hours' labour! For my eldest child( Thyme) I had exactly 12 hours'labour and for Karien in Australia only half an hour!My son took longer ( two hours), but then he was a breech birth.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Laurie I've come to say goodbye, for I am leaving for Australia and I'll stay there for 6 weeks. Have a great summer and take care, don't lose too much weight!!!!

Jana's Indigo Moon said...

Hey Laurie I am now at

in case you want to add me. I added you already.
Cheers! Congrats on the new niece too.

Miss Building Blocks said...

Babies are wonderful! It's great that your brother has finally his blessing...

LauriesAsylum said...

rose, I went to your blog after you left me a comment and saw the pics of you and your boyfriend, lol. That's how I knew..:)

LauriesAsylum said...

Wil, thank you! I hope you have a wonderful time, we will miss you!

LauriesAsylum said...

Thanks Jana, I'll add you!

Reader Wil said...

Hi Laurie I'm back again thanks for the message you left on my blog! I hope everything is ok. I see you haven't blogged for some time now!

VideoKid said...

THERE'S Laurie! God, it's been so long! oO But, congrats to you becomin' an aunt - and, to your bro and his wife :)

Reader Wil said...

Hi Laurie what a surprise to find you here! There are more efx2 bloggers who came here. My daughter Thymeline and Patucawarrior. I have great memories of you and many others of efx2. It was a pity that we had to start so many times again.